voices of resilience:


We don’t have a success story every day, but when we do, by God, it needs to be shared.

Matt and his family were first contacted through a homeless shower event hosted by The River Church in Habersham County. The congregation befriended this family giving love, acceptance, and help to them.

Matt and his family shuffled back and forth between overpriced hotels, family, and friends for many years. The only constant they knew was instability. Matt, who grew up in foster care, was an eager student willing to learn from those who desired to help him and his family.

Community partnerships change lives and empower the hurting to find their own paths and to walk boldly as impacted and improved people because of their interactions.

NDO StreetExit came upon a donated vehicle that the benefactor wanted to go to a worthy family. After weeks of following the hard work and dedication to self-improvement that Matt and his family had committed to, StreetExit found a beautiful family who could use the vehicle.

Matt and his family are living in a home thanks to the Housing Team at NDO, he is working every day, but without transportation, somedays he must leave the house by 3:30 am just to get to work. Not anymore.

Teamwork makes the dream work.

Matt, Mike, and Deborah Roach from the River Church.

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